Tuesday, February 12, 2008


If I had a dollar for every random person that said something like "Isn't it great that Obama is...?" or Obama this or Obama that...I'd retire.

Of course these people assume that because I'm black, that 1) I'm automatically a Democrat and 2) that I would support Obama, and 3) that he's like the Second coming of Christ. He's not.

Great orator, very telegenic, very intelligent, very intuitive, and a master at speaking vaguely, saying a lot, but saying very little to nothing with policies and issues. "Change", "Hope"...these are the magic words that politicians use in every election.

Put aside the emotional attraction to him, and look cognitively and rationally at his record and policies. Very very liberal...socialist...Obamunism = socialism to be honest. If that's your political ideology? Fine. If not, take a look at the issues, not just going by media hype. I still dare anyone 25 or younger to name 3 specific policies that they support Obama for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. You might want to check out this Obamunism shirt I found through Facebook.