Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Global Warming

All I wanted to get was the basic news, and what did I get? People yelling about global warming, completely politicizing the issue.

Whether global warming is caused by human activity, natural earth cycles, or the combination of both, everyone seems to agree that the earth's climate is warming, and that the earth is going through changes. If eveyone agrees on this, and the earth's climate is changing because of human activity, shouldn't we be doing something about this? Even if it is not being caused by human activity, what's wrong with trying to clean air, pollution, and maintain a healthy ecological system?

One side says that big government programs will lead to bleeding the U.S. economy and higher taxes. Another side says that if something is not done yesterday, the earth won't be here tomorrow, so drastic government and personal actions are needed. Ok. How about this:?

Encourage personal responsibility: educate about littering, pollution, recycling, unnecessary waste. The government should encourage and create incentives for Eco-Friendly companies, and encourage green technologies to flourish and compete in the market economy. The U.S. should be taking the lead on developing and encouraging new and inovative technologies, not arguing with how global warming is caused, or waiting for 'developing nations' like China and India (they're not developing by the way, they're established competing economies) to adapt the Kioto Agreement, so we can then tag along with the agreement. While the U.S. is so invested in fosil fuels, and fighting against encouraging new and inovative technologies (i.e. cleaner coal which is readily abundant in the U.S.), we're still dealing with an American culture of waste, apathy and pollution.

I'm a capitalist, so I think that the free market system can compete for cleaner, environmental, and 'Green'products and technologies with the American (and global) consumer. Just imagine the new jobs that would be created from the free market, and not just the government directly. Imagine how much energy prices would decrease, because of competition (economics 101: competition leads to lower prices for the consumer)? So instead of arguing what's causing global warming, how about acting?

I like the old cliche of "Think globally, act locally." It works.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Here we go again.
Just because someone does not support the war, does not mean that they are not patriotic. And just because someone does not support the war does not mean that they can't support the troops.
I say thank you when I see a Marine, or anyone in the armed services.
I've sent thank you notes, and donated to care packages, and have put up support the troops websites on my Myspace page.

Who is the arbitrator of who's more patritic than somebody else?
It's not a pissing contest.
It's sort of like rabid, Red Sox fans screaming at concerts or wherever, how the "Yankees suck!" Ok, so you're a Red Sox fan. Go Sox. Fine. Now shut the fuck up!

I'm Roman Catholic. VERY Roman Catholic actually.
But I am extremely critical of the Catholic Church, the Pope, etc. But I absolutely love the faith and the Church. Why? Because I know it's potential, and the good it has, and continuously does. I actually know the meaning of the rituals, and how they came about. I know why the laws are the way they are. Do I agree with all of them? No. I'm not a mindless robot. Just like being a registered Republican, doesn't mean I have to agree with 100% of what the platform is, or follow Rush Limbaugh like a psychotic idiot.

I criticize the Church because I love the Church. I criticize the war and my country because I love my country. I would die for my country, given the right reason and cause. To criticize does not mean to hate. To be liberal does not mean to hate country. To be Republican or conservative does not mean that you shit diamonds, and that you are so righteous that God needs permission from you to make a fucking decision.

Patriotism? I don't have to have the biggest flag, or the most Red White and Blue, or the most and biggest "Support the Troops" signs and stickers. Screaming and preaching about being the most Christian, or being a "true conservative" doesn't make anyone better than the next person. I like the person who just does and lives, and gives of Self for their country, and does service for others, and are thankful for living in this country, and not screaming about it, and have the courage to disagree and criticize. To me, those are the true 'patriots.'

Monday, March 3, 2008

Meaning of Lent

It's Lent,

My favorite time of the year. Holy Week then Easter. This is the time of year that beckons the coming of Spring: nature is coming alive again, the sun is stronger, brighter, and more certain, and people's spirits begin to lift. For some reason, there just seems to be more hope.

But Lent is more than just not eating meat on Fridays, and giving up something, and then begrudging and complaining. Lent is a time to reflect upon your life: how you treat others, and your relationships with others and God. It's time to think about your actions, be sorry for those you have hurt in any way, and to make ammends for those you may have hurt, and then to ask those hurt, and God for forgiveness. In doing this, pennance, or offering something up to God in return for forgiveness, and as a way of 'self cleansing', is the point of Lent. Personal sacrifice, as Jesus supposedly sacrificed himself by fasting and going on a spiritual journey in the desert for 40 days, and being tempted by Satan. Whether the journey was 40 days or not is not important. But what is important is making sacrifices, doing pennance, and being thankful for what you have, especially during Lent -- Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday (40 days).

Lent is spiritual renewal of Self. It is rebirth (e.g. Easter bunny, eggs, Spring). It is the death of the old self, and rebirth of the new. That is what 'giving up' something for Lent means. I prefer working on personal qualities to add more meaning. This is just another, but ultimate way, of bringing one's Self closer to God and to others, without complaining.