Thursday, May 29, 2008

California Gay Marriage

For me, it's really a matter of definition. Last week, the California Supreme Court cleared the path, which allows for gay marriage.

Marriage to me, is religious. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, sanctioned by a holy and religious body. That's it. A Civil Union is a union between two people: man/woman or same sex. So with my definition, even if a man and a woman were to get 'married', or form a union in a non-religious setting (i.e. court, Justice of the Peace), it's not a marriage, but a Civil Union. So, marriage = religious ceremony sanctioned by a religious body (i.e. Church, Synagogue, Mosque, Temple, etc.). Civil Union = civic (i.e. State) ceremony that is non-religious. Even if two people call themselves 'religious', but don't get married in a religious setting, then it's still a Union.

With that being said, I see nothing wrong with two people who love each other forming a Civil Union. As a philosophical conservative libertarian, I believe primarily in the right of the individual. I'm as repulsed and annoyed of a heterosexual couple making out and disrobing each other in public, just as I am with a homosexual couple doing the same. It's private, and I don't want to see an X-rated display (PDA is ok, but within reason).

Yes, we hear the conservatives and traditionalists screaming to the high heavens how this is the end of America, and how God will punish, etc. They point to the same Biblical verses to support their point. Fine. But in reviewing those arguments, look at the context in which they were written. They basically refer to making idolotrous sacrifices by using sex (homo and hetero) as sacrifices. Sex without responsibility, or the non-acceptance or realization of that responsibility, is just as sinful and evil in the eyes of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Not to get into that here, but I find it hard to believe that a God who is supposed to be loving, will send someone to Hell because they happen to be attracted to the same sex, and want to form a union and/or family. And that's a main point: FAMILY. There are families lead by homosexual couples who are just as wholesome and positive, as heterosexual couples.

I challenge any 'conservative' on this. Tell me how gay 'marriage' will lead to the detriment of society? As long as an agenda is not pushed on me, just as I don't want any religious agendas pushed on me, I'm fine with it. If these gay couples pay their taxes, contribute to society, not break any laws, and live lives as productive, good American citizens, then what's the problem? Just as we need to respect those who may be different than the majority (i.e. heterosexuals), then the minority (homosexuals) need to respect the majority.

I'm not excited about the gay marriage rulings in California or Massachusetts. Nor am I actively pushing for a constitutional amendment either. No amendment should be instituted in the Constitution excluding someone's rights. People pushing for a Constitutional ammendment to me is like pushing a religious agenda. Gay 'marriage' is inevitable. And if this is somehow leading to our society's detriment, and if God damns this, then leave that up to God and the couples. And here's another point: such is between God and the individual.

Shabazz Wilson

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